Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Gill pill

Alano (fast running out of alternative names here),

The Lishman diaries would in no way be complete by a message from none other than your former landlady and maths teacher (how may people can claim to have lived with their old maths teacher!), Preston's answer to Pippa Ross: the esteemed amateur dramatics producer - Gillian Sanderson - alias Pete's mum. She's always good for a quick dose of reality. It seems she has fond memories of your loan spell at Southgate from Tag Lane United which became permanent after David Beckham agreed to go the other way.

To Alan and Belinda

We (that is all at Southgate, including Smokey) are all thinking of you on this special day. We hope you will be very happy and have a long, healthy and fruitful lifetime together. I would loved to have been there but alas the school timetable in England means I will probably be marking Maths homework in my sleep as you tie the knot. Peter is the officially family representative for such matters and has agreed to drink bitter on behalf of us all.

If we can get you to the altar there has to be some chance for Peter

It seems a long time since Southgate was your residence. I'm not sure if my memory isn't as good as it was, or if my sub-conscious has tried to remove some of the incidents that occurred during your time here! There were some interesting conflicts at times, but I hope that you look back at your time here, Alan with some fondness - we did our best!

I am very grateful that you gave me the opportunity to visit Australia and see how settled you are there and how pleasant and welcoming are all the people you have got to know and love.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and if you get a chance, have a word with that boy of mine. If we can get you to the altar there has to be some chance for him!

Lots of love and best wishes to both of you,

Gill, Smokey, Emily, Ben and the boys xxx

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