Sunday, February 28, 2010


Aye Karumba Mr Lishschmitzel,

Slight delay there oh colourblind one regarding the promise of the message from a former Drama Centre custodian. But, as they say, patience my dear Lishman is a virtue, and without further ado, let's give a curtain call for the person who allowed you to follow in the footsteps of Captain James Cook and many a convict......ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's Miss Lauren Penning.

G'day Alan,

As the story goes.....12 years ago I arrived in The U.K to begin training at The Drama Centre London. It was here that I was destined to meet a young man named Alan Lishman. When I first met Alan he was 'the skinny one from Preston who was always wearing a football T-shirt'! The Northern lad! Little did I know at that point just how much I was to learn about football and our beloved Preston North End....and of course the mighty Manchester United.

Alan and I spent three very intense, surreal, slightly twisted but insanely awesome years together at DC! It was here that we all tried to dodge bullets from Yat & Christopher, get out of ballet and movement whenever possible, avoid the lovely Diana, come up with reasons why we didn't have a yat scenario to perform, listened endlessly to James Kemp, performed odd exercises for Reuvin, endured the harshest critique sessions, drank endless cups of tea, smoked ridiculous amounts of rollies, regularly visited the fiddlers arms and lived happily in the Hackney house of happiness or was it horrors??!?

Oh, those years of blankity blank cheque book and pen, avoiding train inspectors, freezing our asses off, working strange jobs, being surrounded by the craziness of group 37 and the likes of Whitney, Amit, driftwood, the claw!!! God it was fun!!

A few years after we had emerged from the haze of drama centre I convinced Alan to move to Australia, and to cut a very long story short, here he is marrying a beautiful woman, Belinda Shannon. Congratulations!!!!

Just to be slightly gaga ding.... Love, peace and a lifetime of blessings my dear Alan....x

Om shanti

Viva La Blanc!!!


Round of applause and thank you very much Miss Penning for, erm, penning that wonderful kaleidoscope of colour and shedding light on the wonder years of drama centre. Where next for the blog.......let's go through the round window and see......

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