Friday, February 12, 2010

Silvio lining

Des Lishmooooooooon (as dey call you in da West Indies).

Let's face it - it's all been a tad Anglocentric so far. And what with you marrying a beautiful Aussie and all that, it's high time we got one of your closest Aussie friends to catapult you and your stunning bride into wedlock.

Hi Pete (Alan),

I wanted to add some words about how I met Alan and why he has become such a good friend. As you may know Alan was my manager at Volvo and along with my other colleagues didn't start off in my good books. Not because I didn't like the guys but because being the new salesperson in the team I got given all the crap work to do instead of selling cars!

Now Alan played his fair share in providing plenty of tasks for me to run around doing for quite a few weeks. But finally one day I had had enough and over a few beers with Alan I mentioned that I would kind of like to sell some cars as well, and to his credit immediately changed the status quo. The next day he made sure the work was distributed fairly and he acquired my respect on the spot. Over the next few weeks we got to know each other a little better and I felt a bond growing, until the xmas party rolled around!

Lets just say that night, I not only knew Alan would be a friend for life but that Belinda was just as loyal a friend. We had the xmas party on a boat sailing around the harbour and docked off just near my old apartment in King st Wharf. Even though we were already well boozed up, I decided to get everyone up to my place for a few drinks in between getting off the boat and going to the famous Retro hotel round the corner. Everything seemed to be going fine until at the end of a long night of Alan being hit on by every glamour (sarcasm) in the place due to his sailors outfit and Belinda fighting them off with a stick we decided to head home. That's the point where I realised I didn't seem to have my keys.

It was definitely the night that Alan and Belinda became our true friends for life

We tore the retro apart looking for these keys as I claimed they had to be on the dance floor somewhere as I had cut some serious rug there all night. About 30 minutes later I resigned myself to the fact that they were gone. At this point most fickle friends would have said thanks for a great night and good luck finding your keys and gone on their merry way, but to their credit both Alan and Belinda stayed with Vicki and I without any complaints until over an hour later when the locksmith arrived to let us in. Four seconds later and $250 lighter we were in, which brings me to the downside of them sticking with us all night. I had - rather stupidly in my drunken state - earlier left the keys on the side in the apartment and we had wasted all that time for nothing.

Lets just say that story comes out every now and then for someone to remind me how good a friend Alan is and it was definitely the night that Alan and Belinda became our true friends for life.

Here's to a long and happy marraige Alan my friend!


Thanks Silvio - that just backs up what we all know Mr L. Alan is a great friend to have around in the tough moments in life. A very loyal man who'll stand by you in your hour of need. There's not many people out there who are as good a friends as you Mr Lishman. And while we're all getting emotional, I don't think I have ever met a better friend than you when it comes to talking about life's bigger issues. A real trooper. You steered me through many a crappy moment with women, school, stupid mistakes etc.....we're gonna have to live in the same hemisphere pretty soon because that advice gets expensive.

Over and out for now,
JP x

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