Friday, February 12, 2010

Martin's 'Pep's' talk


It's time to take a hike around the mini-roundabouts of Leyland (and let's face it there are a few) as....drum roll per-lease.....the finest fisherman this side of (desperately tries to think of a place beginning with F).........Freckleton.......Martin Salisbury takes the initiative to see what bites.


So many stories, so little time. You're one of those people who just invites crazy things to happen. I always secretly hoped that Pete would bring you out on those infamously famous Saturday nights at Pep's ad Tokes because you always added some sparkle - and a little bit of controversy to proceedings.

There was, of course, the cricket incident, when you talked a great game, steadied yourself Graham Thorpe style, moved into a quality guard position before Aidan steamed in from the Leyland end and we all heard an almighty thwaaaack as your wrist was shattered. Ouch. I think we all felt for you that day. Bloody Aidan and his showing off.

Then we had the many times when you showed all of us exactly how to chat up girls in pep's. You had this incredible ability to just stroll up to girls and the next thing we know you had your tongue down their throat. The work of a true genius. I also remember you teaching me to chat girls up in Georgie, a ploy which seemed to work wonders for you and Pete over the years but had disastrous conquences for me. I never quite mastered the accent

The there were the many trip to Pep's when you and Pete and I used to nightclub fishing. Usually you'd be telling Pete to throw it back. I seem to recall a few whale incidents.....

Perhaps my favourite Lishman memory was when we chucked you out Pete's mum's metro for a piss because you were sooooooo bladdered after a night of free alcohol courtesy of Bernard (Pete's mate behind the bar) and as we drove off you started running like Usain Bolt through the outskirts of Blackburn. The look on your face that evening was one which will live with me forever. A mix of panic - you even undertook a car until we beeped the horn and let you back in after turning round. You probably don't remember that one. after pep's when we stopped for a piss n drove off without him! his face was classic as we drove back past the other way.

Finally there was the time we got stopped by police on way back to Leyland on Lancashire's roughest estate after we stitched you up on directions. Funny now but slightly worrying at the time. You got your own back by inviting some random Preston slags to use my toilet.....

Anyway - enough from me - have a great wedding a great married life! We'll be over to see you again one day when our little girl has grown up a bit,

but for now take care and march down that aisle a proud man!

Martin and Michelle xxx

Great memories there from Martin. The cricket incident seems to be topping the list so's also quite clear he was far more sober than you and I everytime we went clubbing! More to come soon!

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